All posts by Eric


Kids are returning home from school, holiday festivities are ramping up, long nights and short days with frigid weather all point toward the end of 2023 and the approach of a new year. I just completed our annual review which you are welcome to read HERE: (Click for 2023 Annual Report for Eric and Holly), filled with an overview of our ministry, highlights from God’s work in the past year and anticipation of what is to come.  We graduated three networks (two in Uganda and one in Kenya, with Tanzania scheduled to graduate soon.) The ministry is growing, and I am encouraged to say that we are making significant inroads to locations that are much more opposed to the Gospel. In addition, I have a new partner, retired pastor Randy Widbin, who is focusing on West Africa, allowing me to pour my energy into regions in the south, east, and most recently north Africa.

On the last day of 2023, I have been invited to preach at our church, so I’ve been giving thought to a good passage for that Sunday. Joshua 1:1-9 is where I’ve landed, quite a transitional text. Leadership in Israel is transitioning from Moses to Joshua, God’s people are getting ready to cross the Jordan and enter the Promised Land, and God is offering to Joshua promises not only of the land, but also of His presence and blessing (success and prosperity) as Joshua is faithful in meditating on and obeying God’s Law. I won’t spill the beans early, but there are vitally important principles God gives not only Joshua and Israel, but also applicable for us today.

As I reflect on the past year, and the fact that I leave early Friday for Tanzania, my last trip of 2023, I’m struck by God’s faithfulness to His promises, not only through Joshua for God’s people, Israel, but also for us today. We dedicated ourselves and our work to the Lord at the beginning of 2023, and during the course of the year, in addition to many stateside trainings and curriculum revision meetings, God enabled me to train in: Malawi (twice), South Africa, Uganda (twice), Mali, Central African Republic, Kenya, Tanzania (twice), Liberia, Rwanda, and Romania. Whew! By His grace and in His strength, that pattern will continue into 2024.

Please join us in praying for this training in Tanzania. Here’s some of the relevant info:

Pathways Workshop 5-7 – Tanzania: December 1-9

Tanzania map in Africa, Icons showing Tanzania location and flags.

Overview: In this hybrid workshop in Muheza, Tanzania, I will be combining three of our workshops into one very full training time. The leadership and I have been working hard to get all the material translated and all details prepared, and I’m hoping all participants will be ready for a challenging and important workshop.


  • December 1-2 – Fly to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania via Paris.
  • December 3 – Preach in a church in Dar es Salaam. Then travel by bus seven hours to Muheza, NE Tanzania.
  • December 4-7 – Train the network in hybrid of workshops 5-7.
  • December 8-9 – Return to Dar es Salaam and begin journey home, arriving Dec. 9.

Prayer requests:

  1. Please pray that the local TZ leadership (Paul from Dar, James from Muheza) and I will work well together to equip all master trainers.
  2. Pray that the participants will be able to process the increased content of the workshop, and I will make all previous and new principles clear.
  3. Praise God for the beauty of Psalms, Mark, and Romans that we will be covering in this workshop.
  4. Pray I will have wisdom regarding the financial needs the pastors have, and how much I should give to whom.
  5. Praise God that Alyssa is home and she and Holly are enjoying time together, and pray all goes well while I’m away.