All posts by Eric

The good ol’ days

Recently, we’ve been “blessed” by daily power outtages, where all our electricity suddenly shuts off and life screeches to a hault. During the day, although things get hot with no moving air, we can continue to live pretty normally. But at night (last night electricity was out from 3pm till midnight), life takes on a new feel. The kids get pretty nervous, so we hang close together as a family. We light a few candles, and after playing several rounds of a group version of hide-and-go-seek (no one wants to be alone), then we sit and tell stories or read a book together. I was sharing with the family that this is how people lived from the beginning of the world up until just very recently. Seems so foreign, but life in Africa is taking us back to some of our foundations. Slowing down, relationships, simplicity, family, these are some of the treasures we’re enjoying.
Always an adventure, and striving to embrace the mystery.