All posts by Eric

Hitting the Ground Running

On August 9, 2009, our family landed in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, after years of prayer, preparation and trusting in God’s timing. A dream has been realized as we have begun our mission work in East Africa. With full hearts, we have hit the ground running in building relationships with locals, and diving into our Swahili studies. Now, heads swimming with Swahili words, we know the job before us is not easy, but supremely significant and necessary. I have met dozens of Africans already as I follow a route in practicinig my Swahili phrases, and in each case I am greeted warmly with a smile and a desire to converse and build a relationship. Time is unimportant, but relationships are what matter, it would appear, as we are welcomed by one and all. God confirms his call upon us, and we continue to seek His pleasure and will as we point those around us to Jesus. Praise God the family seems to be doing well, although jet lag is taking a few days to get over. The prayers of His saints continue to buoy us up.To God be the glory!Pressing on, Eric