All posts by Eric

Back in America

Jambo, friends!
God is good, and in His grace He guided us through an outstanding two weeks in Tanzania, and we are now safely back in Los Angeles re-engaging in life here. THANK YOU so very much for your faithful prayers, your generous support, and your partnership as we have taken a huge step closer to serving God long-term in Africa.

It was a brief but very successful vision trip for us as we were able to make several strides forward in our three goals:
1. Holly, the kids and I connected very well with Africans and missionaries with whom we’ll be working.
2. We learned much about what it will be like to live in Dar, and what we need to do to prepare for life there.
3. We explored the work we will be involved in, and have a number of open doors toward serving in Dar.

There were many adventures, as you might imagine, such as our kids bonding with African and missionary kids better than we had dreamed, bouncing around to seven different places as we were offered incredible hospitality by our future Dar team, sweating in 95 degree heat with 90% humidity, Eric being offered a position as the academic dean and head of a well-known secondary school in Dar with Holly as a primary school teacher, preaching at an international church, and the list goes on.

The bottom line, however, is that God is unmistakably confirming the direction we are moving and our calling to serve Him in Dar es Salaam.

Please continue to PRAY:
1. That the kids will be able to get in to HOPAC, the Christian international school that would be perfect for them. They are on a waiting list, but God is able.
2. That we will raise 100% of our necessary support by this summer. We’re at 55%, and are confident that the Lord can do this.

We will continue to be in touch with you as things develop. Our schedule over the next few months is filling up, as you would expect, with preaching engagements and support team building trips along the West Coast, and training sessions with ReachGlobal out East, along with continuing in full-time ministry at Eagle Rock Baptist Church.

Please visit our website ( or email us ( or so we can stay connected. Holly also posted pix from our trip on her facebook site.

Blessings to you as we press on for His glory,