All posts by Eric

Finishing Strong and Starting Fresh

Good morning, friends.

I want to share a brief word of encouragement with you this morning as we look at Christmas and New Year’s being just around the corner. This is a busy time of the year for nearly everyone, but also it is a natural time when we can reflect on the past and envision the future.

In terms of the past, I want to thank those of you who were involved in various capacities in our growth group ministry. Your investment is significant, noticed and appreciated. We all are learning a great deal as we walk this road of life, and Lord-willing we will be more effective at “growing in Christ with each other” as we launch into the New Year.

I would also like to challenge you to think through some specific ministry goals God would have you strive toward in 2009 tied with “growing in Christ with each other” through our growth group ministry. If we never set targets, chances are we won’t make much progress. Here are some possible goals:
1. Commit to leading (facilitating) a growth group starting in Jan or Feb.
2. Set your sights on recruiting and mentoring one or two “apprentice leaders” during the next six months.
3. Enter into conversations with those you know at ERBC, and those you don’t yet know, to encourage them to participate in a growth group. Our goal – every person who attends ERBC receives multiple invitations to “grow in Christ with each other” through our growth group ministry.
4. Have eyes, ears and a heart that is open to how God wants to grow YOU as we grow in Christ with each other. Set some targets for personal development, and then start moving toward them.

Finally, I’ll close with this verse from Acts 26:18 which presents a calling from God to Paul, but also for us all:
“I am sending you to them (the Gentiles) to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.”
May we each be about this work, by God’s grace and for His glory.

Pressing on,