All posts by Eric

Worthy of suffering disgrace

Good morning, friends,
I hope this point in your week finds you walking with God, aware of His presence and control in your life. For this week’s devotional thought, I want to touch on one verse from Acts 5. To get the context, the apostles have been arrested multiple times for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are imprisoned, but authorities don’t know what to do with them, so they tell them to be quiet, yet as soon as they get out of prison they go on preaching the truth.

Once again, in Acts 5:27ff, the apostles are taken before the authorities, told to be quiet, followed by being beaten and released. Our verse is Acts 5:41: “The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.” I LOVE this verse – it is so counter-cultural. Instead of complaining and griping for being unjustly accused, imprisoned and beaten, they rejoice! Why? Because they had been counted worthy to suffer for Christ. How rich!

Friends, Scripture clearly says that those who live easy, cushy lives, never experiencing any hardship or struggle as a result of their faith, are missing the mark. As we take our stand and boldly communicate the call of Christ to the world, there will be consequences, implications, and suffering. To be dishonored, disgraced and shamed is something we would typically want to avoid. However, IF it happens as a result of obedience to God, GLORY IN THE SHAME! Your reputation, your honor, your name is nothing as compared with honoring the Name of Christ. Soak up the world’s attacks, scorn, and abuse – and consider yourself blessed for being counted with the number of those saints who have gone before us and stood strong with Christ against all opposition. (1 Corinthians 4)

My prayer for each one of us is that we will be counted worthy by God, as we obey and spread His Word, to joyfully absorb whatever opposition may come as a result. May we point all people to the One who bore the ultimate shame and disgrace as the sinless Lamb of God hung on the cross for you and me. May we rejoice as the struggles come, instead of grumbling and cowering in the face of them, and with head held high, sing the praises of our great God.

Please join me in praising God for Christ, “who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” May we fix our eyes on Him when the opposition comes.

God’s grace and peace to you this week and we continue pressing on.