Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Precious family time together

God’s Word makes clear that withdrawing from normal activities to rest, reflect, and draw near to God is to be part of our regular pattern of life. God “rested” from His creative work on the seventh day and instructed Israel (and us) to remember the Sabbath. In Psalm 46 we are told, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Isaiah 30:15 states, “In returning and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” Jesus regularly withdrew from the crowd and ministry to spend time with His Father and with His disciples. Many other passages could be shared, but I need to remind myself of these truths as I can easily slide into a “worker bee” mentality of always going, doing, feeling that my sense of worth is wrapped up in my performance and what I accomplish.

Certainly vacations are culturally rooted. For the average African, vacations look different than they do for those in the opulent West or than they have for the past few years of covid. For the past ten years, my family found it very difficult to “vacation” away from home due to health issues with which Holly and Alyssa struggled. Over the past couple years, God has graciously moved them toward much greater health and energy, and this allowed us to dream about a fun family time together. As Holly and I talked, considered, and prayed, it seems to us that our three kids are all going different directions, “spreading their wings,” and we needed to capitalize on what may be our final summer all together.

It was a joy to have Adam home from seminary for about seven weeks while he did a pastoral internship at our church. His sweetheart Sofia came out for ten days and it was a delight getting to know her.

Adam and Sofia, just back from Indonesia

For the last many years, Adam, Andrew, and I have taken an annual backpacking trip, and this year was no exception. We had an awesome time praising God and enjoying His creation near Mt. Rainier in the Greenwood Lake and Lost Lake area. The boys are very capable backpackers, and we always have a great time climbing peaks, swimming in lakes, talking together, meeting with the Lord, and pushing our bodies to carry us to new sights and heights.

Backpacking with the boys above Greenwood Lake
Day hike to Noble Nob and beyond

In addition, this year we saved and planned and made a “once in a lifetime” trip to Mexico. Frequent flyer miles, Holly’s hours of research, and flexibility with the family allowed us to afford this incredible time in the “Mexican Caribbean.”

Arriving in the tropical port of Cancun
We stayed just outside of the coastal town of Puerto Morelos
On one afternoon, we went to Siete Bocas, a famous cenote, a freshwater system underground connected by various “holes” in the rock
A day trip to Cozumel ended with a gorgeous sunset
Riding scooters around the island of Cozumel was definitely a highlight… at least for the boys and me
On another day trip, we visited Isla Mujeres, a beautiful tropical island off the coast of Cancun

It was an epic family adventure, and we are so blessed to all enjoy each other’s company, share similar values, and just have fun being together. Memories were made that will stick with us for a lifetime. And through it all we praised God for His beautiful creation and the gracious opportunity He gave us to enjoy it.

On a catamaran returning from Isla Mujeres