Category Archives: Pathways refresher videos

These brief, low resolution videos offer a quick refresher to global pastors who are receiving or who have completed our Pathways training.

Pathways refresher video – 6

This is the sixth in a series of eight videos refreshing steps and tool in the Pathways Bible Study method. I welcome you to view and enjoy and utilize principles found in this video, particularly if you are familiar with the Pathways study method. Again, these videos are designed for global pastors who have previously been through our workshops, but would benefit from some “refreshing” of basic principles.

The primary Pathways diagram indicating the steps and tools for the Pathways program

In this brief video, the focus is on a very important step in the Pathways process called the Original Message Statement. This is one statement that communicates the primary message the author intended for the original readers through the passage.

In order to determine the original message statement, which oftentimes takes much work, it will be important to look at the “structure” of the passage, including the main ideas the author is emphasizing. We will want to group the ideas into sections moving through the passage, putting a brief 1-3 word title to each section. Then we observe the flow of thought as the author moves us toward a conclusion. In a narrative passage, it may be scenes in the story toward a final climax. In other passages, the flow may move us toward the main point the author is emphasizing. Once these important ideas are discovered, and arranged as the author intended them, with sections and titles through the flow of the passage, then we move into forming one statement that captures these points. This statement will be used to grasp God’s intended meaning for us today as we consider that passage in light of all of Scripture, our next video.  This process is certainly challenging, but with practice and diligence, the Bible student will improve and handle God’s Word well.

I hope you enjoy this video!