Category Archives: Pathways refresher videos

These brief, low resolution videos offer a quick refresher to global pastors who are receiving or who have completed our Pathways training.

Pathways refresher videos – 3

As the third installment in a series of eight videos refreshing steps and tool in the Pathways Bible Study method, I welcome you to view and enjoy and utilize principles found in this video. Again, these videos are designed for global pastors we train who have previously been through our workshops, but some “refreshing” of basic principles could prove helpful.

The primary Pathways diagram indicating the steps and tools for the Pathways program

In this brief video, the focus is on “asking good questions,” for example questions that you might ask the author of the passage if he was in front of you. This step helps the Bible student move from observing what the text says to understanding what the text means, progressing further along the Bible pathway.
