Daniel Ikongo – Tanzanian Pastor

Daniel Ikongo is a pastor in Madale, north of Dar es Salaam, and a dear brother in the Lord. I’ve been working with Daniel for over six years now, since we were living in Dar. On my recent visit to Dar as I conducted the final workshop in our Pathways training, Daniel and I were able to spend some time together and he shared some encouraging words with me.

Daniel Ikongo on graduation day

Daniel and I first met about six years ago when I gave an announcement offering assistance and training at a large gathering of pastors in Dar. The backstory that Daniel just shared with me is that for weeks and maybe months prior to this he had been praying fervently to the Lord that God would send him a “Paul” to teach and train him in how to be a pastor for his people. He had not received any training, but saw the desperate need. Daniel is a very humble, teachable man of about 50, and yet he wanted a “Paul-Timothy” type of relationship with someone who could mentor him. When I made the announcement offering training to pastors, Daniel felt the Spirit impressing upon him, “This is the man, Daniel. This will be your ‘Paul.'” Yet Daniel did not know what to do next or if this really was from the Lord, since I was a “Mzungu” (white man) and our communication would be very difficult (he only speaks Swahili).

So a few weeks went by as Daniel continued to pray, but he kept feeling the Spirit bringing me to his mind. “This is the one. I have chosen him for you.” Finally, he told the Lord, “OK, if this the one you have for me as my ‘Paul,’ then when I call him, he will need to respond with these certain words… ” He called me and by God’s grace Swahili came to my mind and we had an excellent talk, and he shared that every last thing he had told God he needed to hear, I shared with him in that conversation. He was stunned and yet filled with joy at the work of God. From that point on, Daniel and I entered into a special relationship where we would meet together regularly, talk of things of the Lord, pray together, I visited his church and family several times out in Madale, and the Lord drew our hearts inextricably together.

Pastor Ikongo and me in front of his church - March, 2011

Over the past six years, Ikongo has grown steadily in his understanding and handling of the Scriptures, as well as in his ability to speak some English! Recently, he was approached by a group of leaders from his denomination. The leader of the denomination, whom they call their “bishop,” had just resigned. The leaders had met and decided that they wanted Daniel to be their new bishop. As I mentioned, he is a very humble man, and he graciously said that he could not do it, was not qualified, the position was above him, he was not seeking that position, etc. But they pressed him, affirming his heart for the Lord, his wisdom, his skills and ability to lead, and that he was the best man for the job. They had been watching him grow, and had seen that he had much to teach them. Eventually, he agreed and is now the bishop or overseer for their group of churches.

Pastor Ikongo training other pastors

This position allows Daniel the freedom to offer whatever training he thinks is most important to the other pastors in the denomination when they meet twice/year from all over Tanzania. He shared with me that the training he is convinced that he will bring to the other pastors is our Pathways training in how to study, obey and teach God’s Word well. This is what he feels is most needed by the pastors, and he (and I) can see God’s hand preparing himself and his group of churches for significant growth through handling God’s Word well.

Graduating pastors from Tanzania

As Daniel Ikongo related this powerful story to me, I was humbled and in awe of God’s blessing for both Daniel and me, for truly I feel like Daniel has been as much an inspiration and model for me as I have been for him. We both dropped to our knees and with full hearts went before the Lord giving thanks to God and praying for each other. This may be the last time I see Daniel face to face for quite some time, yet we are committed to walk this road together, stay in communication through email, and pray regularly for each other. I will attach a video of Daniel (on the left, with Enock translating) sharing on the last day of our training as we are preparing to say goodbye to each other. Please keep Daniel in your prayers, and join with me in praising God for a man who has the heart and mind of Christ, who is a humble servant of God, and has a passion to use God’s Word to guide God’s people in God’s ways.

Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric