U.S. pastors gather for training

For the past two days, my friend Jeremy and I have offered a Pathways workshop to a group of 11 pastors and ministry leaders who have arrived from many locations all over the US, and some even flew in from locations such as Ethiopia and Haiti. We had an excellent time together opening God’s Word and practicing good Bible study principles, sharpening each other, and motivating these leaders to equip others with this material.

Training pastors in Olympia, WA

The group was quite engaged in the training, interacting well, discussing concepts, offering presentations, and embracing Pathways principles.

Equipping US leaders to handle God’s Word well.

After the training ended, a few hours later I took our church through a final “Pathways for Everyone” study as church members learn similar principles in how to study God’s Word.

Truly, these are full days as I prepare to lead a missions conference at a church on Whidbey Island over the weekend, then take off Monday for Kenya to train a group to the west of Nairobi. I return from that trip, host a number of Holly’s family at our home for Thanksgiving, then leave that Thanksgiving Sunday to return to Uganda to launch two new networks there. God will give me strength, but I appreciate your prayers through this busy season.