Identity motivates service

Good morning, friends,

In the familiar passage of John 13, where Jesus washes the disciples’ feet, there is a key verse that is oftentimes overlooked. Verse 3 says, “Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God, rose from supper.” He then proceeded to wash each one of the disciples’ feet as an act of humble service, setting an example for us to likewise serve one another.

The part I would like to highlight this morning is what motivated Jesus to do this act of service. Certainly he wanted to teach his followers a lesson, but the passage says that the root motive for Jesus, service did not originate in the needs of others, but in his own identity, and his relationship with the Father. Jesus knew who he was. He knew his past and his future. There was no doubt in his mind about his purpose in life. And flowing from this certainty, he confidently and humbly served others.

For a moment, let us consider what impact this would have on our service, whatever it may be. Our service does not define who we are. God does that. He says that in Christ we are children of the King. We are ambassadors of Christ. We are salt and light. We are sealed in the Spirit and we are a new creation. We have an eternal inheritance in heaven that will never spoil or fade. We have an eternal destiny of worshipping our great God face to face. These are things we know for sure through faith in Christ.

Because of this, we can joyfully serve others, in the most ignoble of ways, yet with great passion and purpose. What we do does not define who we are, but who we are defines what we will do. Jesus, King of all creation, infinitely great and secure in that greatness, did not have to prove his greatness, as Philippians 2:5-11 states. Instead, because of his greatness he did that which others did not want to do. Likewise, because of our status as co-heirs with Jesus Christ, we don’t need to prove anything. We just need to follow our Lord’s example. Humble, Christlike service flows from a healthy walk with Christ. All pretention, hypocrisy, self, and comparison are removed.

In any opportunities for service the Lord brings across our path, may our motivation flow from who we are in Christ, as we remember the ultimate act of service and sacrifice our Lord went through for us. May we serve joyfully and confidently, knowing that God is with us, we belong to him, and we have a glorious future with him in heaven.

Let us praise God for our identity and our destiny in Christ. Praise God for opportunities to serve others, and may we do so with zeal and fervor, following the example of Jesus.

God’s grace to us all as we continue serving our King.
Pressing on,